Coming to school regularly is an integral part of a student’s life. This inculcates discipline and regularity in a student, which in turn inculcates moral values and ensures holistic education. No student will be allowed to enter the class without a leave application if he/she has been absent the previous day.

Leave of Absence :

Students who have been sick for 3 or more days need to bring a medical certificate from their doctor on re-joining the School.

All students should attend school on the reopening day after each of the vacations. Those absent on account of any illness must present a medical certificate before they are allowed into the class. It is compulsory for all students to maintain regular attendance during the course of the Academic Session, 75% attendance is mandatory to enable them to appear in the Final Assessment. The percentage, however, could be relaxed on medical grounds. A certificate of merit will be given to students with 100% attendance

If a child is absent from the school without prior information for 7 days in continuation his/her name will be struck off from the attendance register.

Leave during Periodic Test, Half yearly and Annual examination should be strictly avoided as it may hamper the child’s Academic Progress and Promotion to higher class.

Students unable to appear in Examination due to medical reasons should submit application to Principal along with photocopies of medical prescription and medical certificate.

It is the sole responsibility of Parents to inform School / Class Teacher if child is absent. School will enquire only when child is absent for more than 2 continuous days without permission.