Parents must ensure that their wards join the school on the notified date at the beginning of the term or after each vacation.

Parents to revise lessons done in class and check that child does the homework regularly. Parents should take active and helpful interest in the activities of the school. Parents should ensure submission of Assignments and Projects in time. This will make child secure marks.

Almanac / Annual Planner / website will provide information about exam dates, holidays, PTM’s, Fees and academic pattern of child. Pl check it regularly and stay updated.


Parents/guardians are requested to check the school almanac of their ward daily and note the instructions / Remarks made in it. It should be seen and countersigned by parents daily as a proof that remarks have been read. Failure to do so may defeat the purpose of remarks.

Please address all communication to the Principal through the class teacher. Clearly mention your child’s admission number, class and section in your communication.

Please be sure to inform the school if there is any change in your address, designation or telephone number by submitting an application to the class teacher.

Check the school website regularly. Keep yourself updated about school activities & other information.

You can meet the Principal and teachers during the visiting hours. Please do not try to contact the Principal or teachers over the phone. Meeting the Principal with prior appointment will be appreciated as he has to make himself free to address your concerns

Parents can convey their concerns regarding their wards. Scholastic and Non-Scholastic performance or any miscellaneous matter which is hampering the progress of child through Almanac. In case your concerns are ‘not addressed’ within three working days, then either a mail may be sent to Principal or meeting with Co-ordinator / HM / Principal, with prior appointment may be requested, depending upon the gravity of the matter.

School believes in direct interaction / dialogue with parents only and not their guardian, for matters related to Academic performance / Behavioural issues & any other administrative requirements of child to prevent any misunderstanding.

Messages for the school from parents should be delivered in person, in writing or by telephone /electronic-mail. Word-of mouth messages through children or friends or guardian should not be used.


Please mark all the belongings of your ward with his/her name, admission number, class and section

Do spend quality time going through note books especially on weekends

Taking leave during working days is strongly discouraged. Parents are responsible to make up for the loss of studies in case of leave taken. The school will expect these students to be at par with the class in every way and that will have to be ensured by the parents.

Ensure that your child does not bring any valuable articles to school. In case of loss of valuables, the school will try its best to trace the item but will not be responsible for the loss.

Gifts and Valuable articles like gold/ diamond jewellery (chain & danglers), facial make up like eye makeup, nail art & bindi, mehandi decorating on arms & feet, body art (Tattoo) is strictly prohibited in the school. Application of Mehandi should be restricted to the inner side of the palm and that too with prior permission. Hair clips, bands in black colour only are permitted.

Parents to ensure that their wards attend school in neat and well ironed, complete uniform. Boys with short and decent hair cut (not in fashionable or military cut) and girls with plaits or pony as the case may be. In case of non-compliance, they will be issued Disciplinary cards. Repetition will de-bar them from attending the classes and parents shall be called to take them home.

Do not provide any extra money to your wards. If extra money is found in their possession, it will be confiscated. 


Parents are requested to personally see off and receive their wards at the bus stop (especially Classes Pre-Nursery to V). Parents to carry their school ID card whenever they visit school to meet officials / teachers on working days and on PTM, otherwise entry may be restricted.

Parents are requested not to collect their wards during school hours. In case of emergency the parent should come in person or an authorized person whose photograph is pasted in the Almanac should come, along with the application and parents must also convey the message telephonically to the concerned In- charge.

It is mandatory for the students using personal conveyance (Two Wheelers) at home to wear helmets and carry license. They are only allowed to ride 50cc bikes as per the notification of Traffic Police Department. Safety and security of the child is the sole responsibility of the parents, in such cases.

Motivate your child to maintain a proper code of conduct. Any misbehaviour / indiscipline and damage to school property may lead to serious consequence (disciplinary action).

No sharp objects namely blade, knife, scissors, needle should be sent to school to ensure safety. Posting of derogatory remarks & obscene pictures on social media will invite severe disciplinary action (Suspension / Rustication from school).

Parents and guardians must not visit their wards or teachers in the class rooms.

Electronic gadgets (mobiles, i-pod, play-stations, audio / video players, camera etc) are not permitted inside the school premises as per CBSE school rules. If found, the articles will be confiscated for 6 months. If such instances are repeated, then the child will be asked to leave the school.

Possession and consumption of alcohol, cigarette, tobacco products and any other form of intoxicating / illegal substance is strictly prohibited and will invite expulsion from school with immediate effect.

Parents are suggested to send healthy hygienic Vegetarian food. Non-Vegetarian food should be avoided as it makes child drowsy and may lead to food poisoning

Parents must ensure that their wards have packed their school bags carefully for the day. No item in the form of lunch boxes / pencil boxes/books/activity material/musical instrument etc. will be allowed entry in the school after the school begins.


Child will not be sent from school with half day leave on pretext of any reason. In case the child is not medically fit to attend the school, then it’s advisable to have proper care and rest at home. For other miscellaneous reasons (home functions, marriage, birthday etc), kindly check the priority and take an appropriate decision. Parents are requested not to make any social engagements or medical appointments during working hours. 

Under no circumstances the child will be sent back home once he attends the school. Any request or application in this regard will not be entertained. Child will be marked Absent if he / she is forced to leave school premises during the day.

If a child is found unwell while at school or gets injured while playing, then school will inform parents immediately and will be allowed to collect their ward from school for further course of action.

A student who has respect for the school and the teacher learns immensely. Avoid criticizing the school or the teacher in the presence of your child. If you have any legitimate complaint, kindly meet the Principal/HM/Administrator.

You are requested to ensure that the birthday celebration of your ward in the school is confined to his/her classmates only and should be on a modest scale. Child is permitted to bring any chocolate / toffee (cost Re 1/-) to distribute. Costly chocolates & cakes are strictly not allowed in class or bus. Children of Pre-primary & Primary may come in casual dress on their birthday. Students from VI to XII will report to school in uniform on Birthdays. Students should not wear watch and jewellery.

No gift /sweets are to be sent for the staff members on any occasion.

Encourage your ward to speak in English at home and provide him / her ambience to improve spoken English.


GGGS is a poly bag free zone. All parents are requested not to send or bring any article to school in poly bag.

In the fast paced age of computers, it is mandatory for all the parents of GGGS to possess their personal E-mail id so as to share vital information pertaining to your ward.


Missing out on Periodic Assessment (Weekly Tests and Subject Enrichment Activities) and Half Yearly / Annual Exam directly affect the promotion of the students to the next class at the end of the session. Thus your ward’s presence in all the Assessments places him / her on a safer pedestal and decides a better place in the class. Please take these Tests/Evaluations seriously and avoid absenteeism for the betterment of your ward.

A student, who fails twice in the same class, shall not be permitted to continue his / her studies in the school.

Read and understand the promotion and assessment policy of school / CBSE thoroughly.


Parents should spend quality time with their children. They should sacrifice their leisure hours if they want to see their wards fulfill their dreams.

Criticism of the school, the Principal and the teachers should be avoided in front of children. Such criticism builds disrespect for the school and the child may find himself in a state of confusion regarding following the rules and code of conduct laid down by the school.

The school rules should first be followed by the parents, such as paying fee on time, attending all PTMs, coming to school on calls from the teachers, the Wing Head or the Principal. Seeing the parents’ positive response, the children will readily accept their teachers’ instructions.

Don’t be impulsive in pleading your ward’s case if a teacher of the school has punished him/her. Try to know the reason by first talking to your child and then talking to the concerned teacher or the Vice Principal.

Never say, “We are earning & doing hard work for you; what we have belongs to you”. Delay instant gratification and learn to differentiate between need and want. Raise children in disciplined manner.

Parents should regularly check the bags and belongings of their children at least once a week. A few children sometimes bring unwanted material to school, so parents should not mind if the bags / pockets / bottles are checked by the school authorities.

Parents should never allow unchecked, uncontrolled, unsupervised access to the internet and social networking websites, especially Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Google chats to their children. If the children feel bad about it, let them feel so. Parents should be firm on their decision as it is a question of their ward’s future. Such websites invite distraction as there is an abundance of objectionable material available on the internet. Bad is always bad, and bad will make the child worse if he is not monitored and guided at the right time and the right age

Mobile culture should not be encouraged during school life. Experience conveys that there is more harm than good due to mobile addiction. It is a device which distracts most of the children from their studies. Physical activities such as sports should be encouraged, for the healthy development of the child. If the children are too young to go alone, their parents should take them to the playground.

Involve your sons as well as daughters in household chores such as washing, cleaning, dusting, ironing clothes, cooking and gardening, which may be taken up for half an hour twice a week. This channelizes their energy in constructive work and also teaches them dignity of labour, apart from reducing the aggression in them.

A careful combination of firmness and leniency should be used. Excess of pampering will be problematic in later stages of school and college. Over-pleading the cases of wards will bear negative results in life ahead. They might become sympathy seekers.

In the wake of deteriorating moral standards in the society, parents should keep a close watch on their child’s friend circle, including tuition friends. They should frequently visit tuition classes (if they attend) to check if there is a noticeable change in his/her behaviour.

The parents must keep track of the expenditure of the pocket money of the child and also help him to develop a habit of saving money. They should refrain from giving excess money to their child. School doesn’t demand money from parents & SMS will be sent to the parents in case money is required.

Be patient with your child; never show paroxysms of anger, give off-the-cuff remarks or jump to conclusions without listening to him / her. Give your child time, advice and love and see how beautifully you can ward off all the negative thoughts of your child.